Thursday, November 16, 2017

Unit 2 Adjectives

Do you know the Mr Men and Little Miss series? Click on the link below to discover the adjective that describes the character.

Mer Men and Little Miss

Here is a link to watch a video about Little Miss Hug. Click on it and complete the information on the table. You can browse the characters to complete the chart.


Miss Sommersault

Choose the character that describes you.

1 comment:

Isabel Bastida said...

London- Miss Sommersault
Paris - Mr Tall
Cairo - Mr Tickle and Mr Grumpy
Great Barrier Reef - Mr Topsy Turvy
Jungles of Congo - Mr Jelly
Outer Space - Little Miss Sunshine
Pisa - Mr Strong
Tokyo - Little Miss Tiny
The North Pole - Mr Sneeze
Honolulu - Mr Lazy and Mr Rush
New York - Mr Greedy